Update: September 8, 2003 - The site will be moving!!! Please be aware that this site has a new webmistress, a new domain and a whole new look including a searchable database! We are still in the process of getting data moved to the new site, but we hope to have it up very soon! Please boomark the new site and visit us there: http://www.ConnectWithSurnames.com |
It is with deep regret that I must turn this site over to a new webmistress but I really have nop choice. In March 2003 I completely lost my eyesight due to diabetic retinopathy and neovascular glaucoma. Without sight I could not do the updates and changes. We found a program to have the computer talk to me but the price is way to high to afford. So when Tina offered to take the sight over AND IMPROVE it I could not refuse. To all of you that became friends I will miss you greatly and to those I had not met yet I wish I had more time. Keep searching and I hope you each a great success!
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